
Hi, we are Alastair and Natalie and love walking and enjoying the British countryside with our dog Stanley. We wanted to produce this website to provide simple guides to wonderful walks in Britain. Most of our walks are in the North of England at the moment as we live in the North East but as this website grows we hope to extend those walks to the rest of the country.

Our walk are provided as PDF guides as well as GPX files for you to download and upload to your GPS device if you have one. All the routes on our website, we have walked and created using the OS Maps app. We use the apps on our phones and it is a brilliant way to access OS maps and create routes.

We have put some recommendations on our website for outdoor gear if you want to purchase new boots / clothing etc. and will add to this list over time. We don’t get paid or receive any kind of incentive for these recommendations, they are just our honest opinions. We hope you enjoy our website and get as much pleasure from our walks as we do.